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Flash Flood




Resources for Disaster Response

Not sure where to begin?

Volunteering is an incredible way to give back to others. Disaster relief workers and volunteers have the opportunity to help others during their most stressful times and in the most extreme environments. 

Traveling internationally on a Disaster Assistance Response Team?
Check out our DART resource page. 

Preparing for disasters

How do I prepare for a disaster?

-Store 3 gallons of water per person
-Have 3 days of ready to eat food and have a way to prepare it
-Make a first aid kit
-Pack a go bag
-Have a plan for power outages

Starting any journey can be difficult. We’re here to make disaster preparedness easy for you. Click the getting started button and we’ll walk you though the basics. 

Want something more advanced? Click the getting started button and check out the level 2 and 3 articles a little further down.  

We’ll take a common sense approach to disaster preparedness. 

Monitor disaster with our Disaster Dashboards

Our Goal

The goal of Red Sky Ready has and always will be to help others through disaster.
We accomplish that by promoting disaster preparedness and providing online resources to help with disaster response.

Our name

Red Sky Ready originates from the old sailing phrase: 

Red sky at night, sailors’ delight.
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning

We want to be prepared for whatever life throws at us. 

By being Red Sky Ready you can enjoy the good days knowing you are ready to face the rough days as well.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers

our Values

  • Prevent Suffering

  • Prepare others

  • Do Good

our mission

Help others both preparing and responding to disasters.