Lego Nuclear Apocalypse Survival Guide

This article was published April 1st on our very brief switch for covering lego disasters. For human articles see our HOME PAGE
As fellow legos disasters seem to happen to us all the time.

“This room is a disaster!”
“Did a tornado come through here?”
“I’m calling the president because this mess is a federal disaster!”

One disaster that we need to prepare for is a nuclear disaster. This could be from a nuclear explosion or a nuclear reactor melting down.

What legos should do during a nuclear attack

Legos should shelter in place to prevent adverse effects from radiation.

If your home has a basement go there.
If you are a Master Builder create a nuclear bunker. The fallout from a nuclear bomb takes a minimum of 10 minutes to fall. Build fast.

Items in your shelter may include:
  • Food 
  • Water
  • Battery-powered/hand crank Emergency Radio
  • Change of clothes and shoes
  • Medicine
  • Flashlight
  • Cellphone
  • First aid kit (super glue, spare arms, legs)
  • Plastic sheet & duct tape
  • Entertainment

Signs of Radiation poisoning for a Lego

  • Greenish glow
  • Rapid weight loss (melting)
  • A burning plastic smell

Everything is not awesome for a lego during nuclear war

-Lego Sky Ready

Preparing for a nuclear attack as a human

For the in-depth human version of nuclear preparation check out our real article here.

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Red Sky Ready is here to help others prepare for a disaster as well as provide helpful information for disaster responders. Some of our recent articles can be found below.

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