Running a website if a ton of work. If you enjoy our content and would like to help us create even more resources then you’ve come to the right spot! Here are some ways you can really help us out!
Shop at Bass Pro using our referral link
We’ll get a small percentage of most sales each time you buy something online at Bass Pro after clicking our referral link.|
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Create a resource for yourself and your local community with our custom dashboards. Combine everything you want to know during a disaster into one easy to access resource.
You can also sponsor the pages as a business.
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Disable your ad blocker for our site
We don’t use pop-up and try to keep the amount of ads reasonable. Most of our articles only have 3-4 ads. We have done our best to block all offensive ad categories.
Our site uses Google AdSense. We hope to shift completely to affiliate marketing in the future. Google ads provide anywhere from a few cents to a dollar when they are clicked. If you earn $100 with them, they’ll pay you. If you see an ad you’re interested in, we’d love for you to check them out.
Buy a Zók
This medication free headache relief looks like a gimmick but I promise you it works. This device is one of the reasons I am so hopeful about affiliate marketing. I found a product I can highly recommend to other people.
It, quite literally, gets rid of peoples headaches!
Buy a Zók
See our Review

Sign up for NordVPN
Using a VPN will enhance your security while you’re out and about. It’s also great for accessing content while you’re deployed internationally.
You can also use it with your streaming services. Other countries often have different movies available to stream.
Sign up for NordVPN
Start your own website with Bluehost
Learning how to create a website, graphics, write the perfect article, go viral, and make tons of money is… hard, like really really hard. But hey, you’ll never know until you try!
P.S. Zuckerberg can’t ban or fact check you on your own website.
Sign up for Bluehost
Share our site
Our average post only goes out to about 10-20% of the people that follow our page. Each time you share an article on Facebook it’s worth about $5 in free ad revenue.
Word of mouth is incredible too. Sharing our article by text or email, or just telling your friends about the great resources you’ve found here is really encouraging!
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Please make sure you confirm your email though! Check your inbox for a link to verify you wanted to sign up, also make sure your email provider isn’t sending us to the spam folder!
Join our email to hear about new resources to help you stay on top of severe weather outbreaks
Why do we use affiliate marketing?
You’ll notice we have quite a few affiliate partners. Quite honestly I think, or maybe just hope, affiliate marketing becomes the way of the future.
Affiliate marketing skips additional middlemen like ad services (aka Google). It provides a bit of income for us and is an easy way for other companies to advertise their products risk free.
Affiliate marketing doesn’t rely on Facebook listening to your conversations or Google tracking your browsing or texting history.
It’s a great way to recommend products we use and trust to our followers.
Thank you
My goal has always been to help others prepare and respond to disasters. By doing any of the above you help me continue to produce more helpful content and resources. It is so appreciated!
Thanks for sticking with us as we continue to become
Red Sky Ready
- How to Shelter in Place During a Nuclear Event
- How to sleep in your car overnight
- How to prepare for power outages
- Preparing for Severe Weather
- Faith in Action: Responding to Trump’s Reduction in Humanitarian Aid
- How to Help Someone Who is on Fire
- How To Get Help When 9-1-1 Is Down
- Does a Solar Eclipse Really Warrant a State of Emergency?
- The Coming Digital Apocalypse?
- Disaster Survival: Do These 3 Things Within 60 Seconds
- 5 Disaster Relief Tips for a Major Earthquake Response
- Can We Shoot the Chinese Balloon Down?
- Incident Management Team: Tips for a Successful Deployment
- TC001 Best New Thermal Camera? Review for TOPDON TCView
- 5 Ways To Stop Overpaying For Healthcare
- Preparing Your Pets for Disaster