The United States has enjoyed drastically lower Covid infection rates over the last several months. However, Covid cases around the world are increasing, and even spiking, above previous levels. Is another Coronvirus surge on the horizon?
One current alarming trend is seeing France and the European region starting lockdowns again. These countries were a month ahead of us on the Covid timeline last year. Their wave would start, then our wave would start. They went into lockdown, then we would. Hopefully, this won’t happen again, but history tends to repeat itself.
This article contains my personal opinions. Use any of the information, including financial/medical advice, at your own risk.

The Game Changers
Many things have changed since last year. We know more about transmission and the disease process. More PPE is available. There are also additional problems and solutions.
Vaccines, Our Trump Card
A major difference between this year and last year is the availability of vaccines.
The vaccine rollout has gone well in the United States. Millions of Americans are initiating the vaccination process. The multi-dose vaccines are still being advertised as providing over 90 percent protection from the Coronavirus.
We have not seen if the 90 percent protection rate will hold true, as the virus has tricks up its sleeve too.
Variants, the Joker in the Deck
The variations we are seeing with Covid could become very problematic. Depending on the mutation, it can render the vaccine anywhere from less effective to useless.
When originally released, the vaccines were said to prevent 100 percent of severe Covid cases. As we vaccinate more people, our sample size has increased and more data is available. Many people who received the vaccine are still getting Covid. Individuals are also still dying from Covid even after receiving the vaccine.
The Odds
Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are still showing above 90 percent effective rates in preventing Covid.
The single-dose vaccine by Johnson & Johnson is 66 percent effective at preventing Covid. PDF from CDC
What We Can Do Now

Get Vaccinated
This is a personal choice. These vaccines are new. The side effects are not all known or understood.
That said, there are moral reasons to object to vaccination. They directly developed the Johnson and Johnson vaccine using the fetal cell line (stem cells from abortions performed several decades ago). The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were not developed using the fetal cell line, but they did test their vaccines on stem cells from the fetal cell line.
My personal opinion is that for anyone over 60, the chances of having severe complications from Covid far outweigh the risk of side effects from the vaccine. Covid will continue to kill people. It is very real.

Stock Up
Last year we discovered quarantines can cause abnormal shifts in consumer buying habits. That being said, it’s worth considering those items again. Just like with severe weather having it before you need it is key.
The government recommends keeping 2 weeks of food and water on hand in case of an emergency. Typically, these items are discussed in terms of natural disasters. Covid, while unlike a hurricane, has affected logistics at tremendous levels.
Having cash on hand is a good idea. If you never carry it, start small. Cash in smaller bills can help when paying someone without change.
Toilet Paper
I’m not saying the shelves will be bare again. Like other necessary items, strive to keep a two to three-week supply of toilet paper on hand. If you purchased the entire available supply during the last lockdown and still have a 6 year supply, consider donating a bit to a local charity!
Now is a good time to stock up on medications and vitamins. Take advantage of the current low case rate and get your prescriptions topped off.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Quercetin are all linked to benefits helpful for defeating or preventing Covid.
Medical Appointments
Again, with low cases, hospitalizations have gone down across many states. Now could be the best times to get an elective or less critical procedure done.
There is currently a large shortage of computer chips affecting vehicle production. If your vehicle needs to be replaced soon, keep your eyes out for something now.
Many car manufacturers have scaled back production, or shifted gears on what they are producing, because of the ongoing computer chip shortage.
Cleaning Supplies
In the lull between waves, now is a good time to buy cleaning products. Store shelves are restocked, and alcohol hand sanitizer is available. You might even get lucky and find them on sale.
The CDC recently published an update saying that transmission from contaminated surfaces is considered low risk, but it’s still good to keep cleaning products and sanitizers on hand.
People can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 through contact with surfaces. However, based on available epidemiological data and studies of environmental transmission factors, surface transmission is not the main route by which SARS-CoV-2 spreads, and the risk is considered to be low.
We can’t see the future. No one knows what’s around the corner, but by paying attention to signs and trends you can know what may happen ahead of others.
You don’t have to know the future to know troubles can come. Keep a stocked first aid kit, extra food on hand, and the necessities needed to get by for a week or two. This will be the difference between you and the person driving across five states looking for toilet paper!