Tell me you can cure a headache without medicine and I’ll be thinking the same thing you are right now. There’s no way that works!
The first time I saw the Zók I was skeptical. Relieving a headache can’t be as simple as changing the pressure in your ear.
I poured through pages of comments and reviews on various sites. Page after page of mostly glowing reviews said the Zók either eliminated their headache or made it tolerable. It was obvious from the comments that it didn’t work for everyone, but this seemed to be a genuine product that was working for most of the people that tried it!
I ended up purchasing one and to my and others’ amazement, yes; it works.
If you buy the Zók from the link on our site, we will receive a portion of the sale at no extra cost to you. The opinions here are my own and I'm glad to have a product I feel comfortable recommending to others. I honestly hope others can enjoy the convenience and relief this product product has provided as much as my friends and family has.
My findings
I received the Zók in the mail shortly after ordering it and waited for my first opportunity to use it. I rarely get headaches, so I needed a test subject. Not long after, my sister complained of a headache. Ahhh, the perfect test subject!
It took a couple of awkward attempts to position the Zók correctly, but as soon as we adjusted it correctly, her jaw dropped.
The light pressure on her eardrum instantly relieved her pain. Another family member who also had a headache tried it and had instant relief as well. Of the three family members that tried it, my brother was the only one that didn’t experience any relief. (To Zók’s credit, he was probably the one causing the headaches in the first place, and I’m not sure he ever got it aligned correctly.)
After great success with the first couple of attempts, I went out and bought 4 more and have already run out. I gave two of them out as Christmas presents, let several other people try it, and either gave them mine or directed them to the website to get one.
I’ve restocked and run out again and again.

Medication-free headache relief
Anymore, it seems like every pill has an extensive list of side effects. Common medications like Tylenol/acetaminophen and Advil/ibuprofen are no exception.
My go-to medication-free treatments for headaches are now:
-Drink water
-Use the Zók
-Place a cool washcloth on the forehead or the back of the neck
-Darken the room
-Massage the head and neck
-Drink some caffeine
Does the Zók work for everyone?
Most people find relief when they use it. Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried it out on over 20 individuals. It has given instant headache relief to about 80% of them. Overall, it seems to work better for females than males.
How Zók Works

“Zōk provides relief by stimulating the tympanic membrane, which activates the trigeminal nerve and a number of cranial nerves inside the head through inner-ear pressure modulation, thereby providing instant alleviation of pressure and tension inside the head, which are associated with the symptoms of headaches and migraines.”
What if the Zók doesn’t work for me?
Before you give up on it, keep trying. It normally takes at least 3-5 attempts to figure it out. Make sure it’s forming a seal and either apply a small amount of pressure or suction. They have a helpful video showing how to use it.
Zók has a money-back guarantee. Before trying to return it, let someone else try it. It will probably work for them!
Will the Zók completely relieve my headache or migraine?
Probably not. But it will make it more tolerable. If your headache was an 8 out of 10, it typically will reduce it to a much more tolerable 3 or 4. You can also use it more than every four to six hours.
It works especially well for tension and stress headaches.
Is it worth the price?
It reduces the use of medication and comes with a money-back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you. If it doesn’t work, send it back or give it to a friend. If it does, you’ll have instant headache relief without the need to take a pill.
Buying two or three reduces the cost per device. I’ve always been able to find another friend or family member that wants to try it out. You can also purchase extra ear tips for them if you are sharing with a family member. I just wipe mine down with an alcohol wipe between uses.
Overall, I have found it to be an excellent product, and well worth the expense.
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