Russia has invaded Ukraine after weeks of warning by other nations. There is a lot of uncertainty right now about what the effects will be. We can take several steps to reduce that uncertainty by preparing now for potential outcomes.
Cyberwarfare is one of Russia’s greatest powers. It can cripple a nation’s infrastructure, economy, public utilities, and/or anything else tied to the grid. Russia also provides vast amounts of oil and other valuable resources to nearby countries.
Their invasion of Ukraine will affect other current geopolitical relationships. There are a few things we can do to prepare for escalating conflict.
Russia has flooded Ukraine’s financial institutions with internet traffic from hackers. This large amount of “fake” traffic prevents the network from working for real users, leaving customers unable to access their accounts.
Have an emergency cash fund on hand. During a large cyber attack on financial sectors, you cannot use your credit or debit cards. You may not be allowed to withdraw money from your bank during a cyber attack. Business owners should review their plans for cash only sales.
Large platforms like Facebook could be a target for a cyber attack. Many of us only contact each other only through apps.
Have multiple ways to communicate with others. Signal has become popular over the last few years as a free encrypted messaging platform. Make sure you have your work and friends’ phone numbers. Text messages are more likely to go through during times of emergencies than data messages or phone calls.
Learn how to get your ham radio license.
Hospitals, businesses, production sites, food processing plants, everything relies on the internet now. JBS is a meat processing plant that was taken offline by hackers. Food processing plants have fewer cyber security defenses, making them an easy target.
Maintaining a two weeks supply of food decreases the need for panic buying.
Buy ready-to-eat food or have a way to prepare it like a camp stove, grill, or fireplace.
What happens during a possible cyberattack on a hospital?
Public water systems are tied to the internet now. Hackers carried out a cyberattack on a water treatment plant in Florida last year. They increased the sodium hydroxide levels to 100 times their normal level. Thankfully, the operator could correct it before anyone was hurt.
Store 1 gallon of water per person per day for two weeks. The government recommends having 3 to 14 days of water for emergencies at all times. You can pick up bottled water or fill a reusable water container. You can also fill up your bathtub before a disaster for a quick supply of water.

Russia is a large exporter of oil and fuel, supplying much of Europe with their needed fuel. Germany has paused their plans to open the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline. A different supply pipeline from Russia runs through Ukraine. Fuel prices are increasing on the volatility. If Russia stops providing fuel/oil to Europe, their prices will increase drastically along with ours.
Keep your vehicles topped off, increase the energy efficiency of your home. Consider walking or riding a bike for nearby errands. Consider having solar or wind backup options.

Cyber-attacks may be very targeted or more generalized. Russia likely can take out Netflix and Disney+ along with many more targets. Have something to do to keep yourself occupied.
Now is a great time to buy some board games, puzzles, or pick up some books. Do you or your children have a favorite movie or TV series? Download them for offline use.
Our electrical grid is a lucrative target for hackers. Most of the United States electrical grid (sorry Texas) is tied together. A failure in one system can cause a cascading event taking out power for many states or even nations.
If keeping a two weeks supply of food and water is a good idea, keeping that much power on hand is also a good idea.
You can decide if you want enough to power your house or just enough to keep your cell phone alive for a couple of weeks. Cell phone towers can be equipped with generator backup, allowing them to run for several days after a power outage. They can obviously run much longer if someone refills the generator and there are still communication lines to connect with.
Prepare for a grid-down scenario
Russia’s aggression towards a nation it wants will probably embolden China. China has made it very well-known that it would like Taiwan. Taiwan is the world’s leading producer of semiconductors.
If you have products reaching the end of their life cycle, especially computers and electronics, now is the time to replace them.
Our long-term strategy should include moving essential manufacturing jobs back to the United States and ensuring we have access to ethically sourced materials.
As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one.
There is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
All have turned away;
all alike have become useless.
There is no one who does what is good,
not even one.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:10-12; 23 HCSB
For I am persuaded that not even death or life,
angels or rulers,
things present or things to come, hostile powers,
height or depth, or any other created thing
will have the power to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Romans 8:38-39 HCSB
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This is an excellent resource. We’ll be looking into prep on some of these things. Thank you for sharing! My favorite preparation method is the last one… <3