The cost of healthcare is ridiculous but there are some ways you can save.
This is about as close as you’ll get to money growing on trees.
Simply go to their website or app and type in the prescription you need. They’ll show the various prices for nearby pharmacies.
Show the pharmacy the coupon when you pick up your prescription and that’s it!
It’s definitely worth checking on all your medications. GoodRX can provide even better prices than your insurance.
Stop Buying Name Brands

Name brand and generic drugs are often the exact same medication. Manufacturers are required to list the active ingredients in their medications.
If the name brand product and generic product have the same amount of the active ingredient then they should do exactly the same thing.
Most of the time you’re just paying for a prettier box and super bowl commercials when you buy a name brand product.
Use Telehealth
Online or virtual visits through your insurance provider are often free or much cheaper than in person doctor visits.
If they can’t help you they can tell you if you should go to a clinic or if you need to go to the emergency room.
You may feel jipped not getting an actual assessment but let’s be honest most doctors are only in the room for 30 seconds at a real appointment anyways.
Cost Plus Drugs
Cost Plus Drugs is a new website you can go to get some prescriptions. The founder Mark Cuban believes “Everyone should have safe, affordable medicines with transparent prices.”
I haven’t had to use this yet but I think we can all get behind a more affordable and transparent healthcare.
Try an Insurance Alternative
There are a couple Christian sharing ministries that can save you and your family hundreds of dollars a month.
Medishare is a Christian insurance alternative that can provide significant savings all while not supporting procedures that go against your beliefs.
Find out more about Medishare through our referral link here.
Bonus: Just Ask!
If it’s going to be difficult for you to afford the medication let your doctor and pharmacist know. They may be able to give you samples from the manufacturer or swap to a different drug that is just as effective but significantly cheaper.
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